Monday, November 21, 2011

Do you think the concept of beauty came from our evolution?

If there is a concept of beauty within a population, then the strongest ones will get a beautiful mate, and create beautiful offspring. Thus, because of beauty, better genes get passed on.

Could our attractions be hardwired into our brains in order for the continuation of mankind?

Animals have certain forms of beauty, such as bright colors meaning a better mate.

Just because our concepts of beauty are more complex, does it really mean our love is any different?Do you think the concept of beauty came from our evolution?
You've hit the nail on the head. This would also explain why we get confused emotionally should something go wrong in a relationship and why we find it so hard to define love.Do you think the concept of beauty came from our evolution?
Concept of beauty is so subjective and it's said to be in the eyes and minds of the viewer. This very nature of the concept (the subjectivity) suggests that it's some thing that developed with the the thinking and higher ranking needs of the mankind which we call evolution. So, i agree with your view that concept of beauty came with our evolution. Further, it is some thing that is so unique to a personality so that it would not pass on as an genetic factor.It's nothing but a thinking pattern developed internally in ones mind, thus it's not a mechanism of passing on best genes(because it's so subjective; what i think beautiful/best is not so for you). And it's as complex as the most complicated thing you could ever imagine; but beauty and love does not directly proportionate to each other, and love is another complicated subject of it's own.
well v survived because v r happens among us.but v don't look it in that angle.

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