Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Is A Good Berry That Give High Beauty So I Can Evolve My Feebas?

I need a very good berry so i can get a Milotic ?

Any ideasWhat Is A Good Berry That Give High Beauty So I Can Evolve My Feebas?
(For Diamond/Pearl!)

Check the tags of your berries to see which give the highest dry stat. Some are Wiki, Pamtre, Chilan, etc. (Some might give you a combination of flavors though.)

If you want to make really good Poffins, I suggest you make Poffins with friends. When you go to the Poffin house, select ';In a group'; when the lady asks you. Then you or one of your friends should be the leader while you all join. Make sure they use a variety of dry berries, or else the resulting Poffin might be a disaster.

Just experiment with different berries, and don't feed your Feebas too much mediocre Dry Poffins. Their Sheen level will increase and if their Beauty stat isn't maxed out yet, you won't be able to feed them anymore Poffins.

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