Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Which is more important phisical or spiritual beauty?

BothWhich is more important phisical or spiritual beauty?
p-h-y-s-i-c-a-l beauty fades no matter how much or how little is done cosmetically or healthwise, plus [physical] beauty is in the eye of the beholder. spiritual beauty makes me think more about the person, who the person is, and what that person represents which makes this beauty more important to me than the physical beauty. a spiritual beauty makes a less physically beautiful person more appealing overall.Which is more important phisical or spiritual beauty?
id have to say both no one wants a ugly nice person but then again no one wants a mean or rude beautiful person so put both together and you've got urself winner haha
physical i mean if ur ugly ull turn ugly in the spiritual thingy

cause everyone'll go ewwww when they see u

so physical luckyli i think i have them both :P
in short term its physical but in the long run its spiritual. when someone notices your lets say ';spiritually ugly'; things will go bad. but when physical beauty makes things easy at first impressions.
physical mostly. spiritual beauty can be obtained through marijuana. physical beauty you can't acquire.
physical because if your ugly you wont get very far with the opposite sex and this will affect your spirit.
Spiritual beauty, it is who you really are. Out side is just a shell that is shown to the public after you create an outer you.
When I was younger (I'm in my 50's) I thought physical was the most important thing. Now that I'm older and hopefully more wiser I realize that looks arn't everything. I considered myself as ';good looking'; and I only dated the ';good looking'; girls. I'm agnostic,......so I don't think in terms of spiritual or religious. What's important is how you or they feel in your hearts. If you treat people with respect and dedication they will respond in the same manner. The people that love you will overlook your shortcomings. You should do the same. If you get past judging people on their looks, the ugliest person on earth, in your opinion, can be the most loving person you know. Of course, this is a realization of what I've learned over my years. I still like to look at and talk to the good lookin' ones.

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