Saturday, July 24, 2010

DO you have any secret beauty tips?

Can you share your little secrets with me?

Here is what I do to keep myself looking my best:

1. wash my face only every few days, never with soap

2. vasaline on my feet with socks over them to keep them soft

3. brushing my hair out in the shower with condicer

Thats only a few!! Now whats yours?DO you have any secret beauty tips?
1. Always take off my make up before bed

2. Use moisturising night cream every night to keep my face soft

3. Drink lots of water to look refreshedDO you have any secret beauty tips?

Want soft skin? What you do, Is get some salt in your hands, and put a few drops of water, with rub your hands together. This was remove the dead skin, and make your skin baby soft!

Wear VERY VERY thin eyeliner, because it spreads throughout the day. It will look normal later.

Keep getting razor burns? Well, What you do, RIGHT after you shave, is put baby oil where ever you know you'll get razor burn, but make sure you have it ready for use, because razor burn can rise fast.

:) Thats my top tips.
put sweet almond oil in your hair, leave overnight and shampoo twice in the morning, conditioner lightly.

This gives unbelievable gloss to your hair, esp when done regularly!

erm, only use moisturiser on the parts of the face that really need it, otherwise I get spots.

If you have curly hair don't ever brush it! Ever! No exceptions!! Detangle with fingers or a big comb.
Of course..every girl does.....

tip #1 love yourself.

tip #2 wash your face everyday...not with soap...

tip #3 brush your teeth.... use listerine.

tip#4 dont brush your hair when its wet....when you do start at the bottom...

tip#5 to whiten teeth brush them with baking soda %26amp; water.*do not swallow*

tip#6 Dont wear liquid foundation...

tip7 always wear sunscreen

tip8 lemon juice makes hair shiney*

tip9 rinsing your hair with cold water right after you condition it also makes your hair shiney!*~=)

Stay natural..Stay YOU. =)

1.) Wash my hair everyday with conditioners to keep it as red and colorful as ever, so if I go brown one day, it'll be all shiny in the morning..

2.) ...I.. use my genes to stay beautiful, and go with the flow?

3.) I once took a bath in milk.. and my skin has been reallyreallreallyreally(x89) soft since then.
Wash my face twice a day with clearsil ultra and make up remover then use face pads. Put valeline on the ends of my hair, wash it everyday. Lay out all the time, BENDER BALL. Resistance training.
1.Take cotton balls dip in milk and cover eyes with em to get rid of dark circles under eyes

2.Eat sunseeds to grow taller

3.wash ur face atleast 50 times a day not with soap just slap water on ur gface 50 times

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