Saturday, July 24, 2010

What do you think about ';physical beauty';?

Do you think we should take it that seriously?What do you think about ';physical beauty';?
There of course must be that first initial attraction and that is based on looks of course but after that initial meeting that is where it should end.

There are millions of what one would call beautiful men and woman in this world but most of them are so fugly on the inside that the only person they will ever love is themselves. Nobody else can stand them after that first initial attraction.

And there is a big difference between being beautiful and being pretty or handsome. One should be proud of who they are, proud of their looks, proud of their health etc...........but someone can be a beautiful person without being physically beautiful. And I would take the beautiful person over the physical beauty every time.

I want the person who is beautiful on the inside. Someone I know cares and will be there for me, that has beliefs and has standards, morals and integrity.

Someone who will teach children morals and beliefs and integrity...not someone who will teach them that outer beauty is going to get you some where in life, that you are better then others because you are physically beautiful, that you do not have to work hard for what you want in this life that it should be handed to you on a silver platter just because you are beautiful.

So NO I do not think that physical beauty should be taken so seriously. There are so many other qualities in a person that out weigh beauty by a long shot.What do you think about ';physical beauty';?
It adds to but not is their character.
Depends on who you are.

If you are the opposite sex, then you will want to find the most diversified genes, which is found in the prettiest people. They suffer from less genetic disorders and can withstand more diseases.

But those issues can be outweighed by personality. A strong personality can compensate for all those issues. That is why women will choose men with strong personalities who are not as good looking. These men, if they are strong and competent, can take care of a family much bettter than a person who is never sick but is lazy and wussy. Men generally do not think of attraction in this way, because they can just drop their seeds and go. They don't HAVE to stay around and take care of the child where as the woman does. Therefore, looks and visual pleasure is stronger for men. That is why visual pornograhy is popular with men and romance novels are more popular with women.

If one is desired by mates in a community, chances are that they will be protected and listened to. Therefore they command more status and respect automatically. Whether you like it or not, this is factual. They did a study on the news. Two normal looking reporters, and two supermodels tried to ask for change with people on the street. Guess which set did better. If you associate yourself with higher status people, you will raise your status and others will want to be associated with you. This gives you a higher chance of survival/success.

This is all subconscious, but I believe should be taken seriously. Because most people are not run by conscious logic. They are run by emotions and instinct. Therefore, do the best with what you have. Dress well, take care of yourself, and try to look your best and act your best confidently. But life is different in modern days, and while these prehistoric rules still apply somewhat, they are not as significant. Personality is much more important these days. And happiness can be found without supermodel looks. So while looks should be taken seriously, they should not be taken as seriously as your personality which can be absolutely wonderful, more desirable, and more satisfying than a good looking superstar.
We need to take care of ourselves but the most important part of us is the inside. there's nothing wrong with being pretty but we need to know that inside is more important. Just remember that, and you'll be fine. One more thing, don't overdo makeup or dress really inappropriately or attention-seeking. that's important NOT to do.
Physical beauty is a blessing if you have it and a curse if you don't.
attraction is the key word...because to some people beauty is only skin deep. As long as your attracted to the person thats what really matters. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Its always great to look your best but not all of us were born models.
Its good to take it seriously but it shouldnt count for everything. Physical beauty is probably part of what attracts you to a person because if you're not physically attracted in one way or another, you're probably not going to want to strike up a conversation with the person. At the same time, if you think someone's totally hot and you start talking to them and then it turns out that they're a moron, the physical beauty means nothing. You need to have a balance of both but initially, I do think physical beauty IS important.
I think it does to a certain extent, like if you were out to pick up a chick/guy you would approach someone that you see as attractive not someone that you think looks like they have a good personality, but at the same time you wouldn't stay with a horrible person just coz they're hot.. would you
I think we take it too seriously. Have you ever watched the Twilight Zone? There's one that takes place in the future where everyone goes through a process that gives them a beautiful face and body. This one girl doesn't want it done to her, and everyone is trying to force her. She's not a really beautiful girl, but she's pretty and sees nothing wrong with herself.
I think we should take it physically.
We appreciate people for talents, being naturally smart or artistic or working really hard at something, therefore I don't see anything wrong with appreciating someones beauty either.
No I don't.
yeah...America is a fatty country...sad to say..
no, its what's inside that counts the most.
I personally don't think it should be took as serious as it is took in today's society.

If your a guy, most go for the typical blonde, with green or blue eyes, that nice tan etc.

I think that everyone is beautiful, some just have better genes then others.

People judge people so much these days til it is ridiculous.

Don't judge people just by there outward appearance, Its what is inside that matters the most.

Wouldn't you agree?
that even though some say it doesn't matter, it does alot, sometimes off course!
yes we should
not too serious

but looking presentable helps a relationship

now if i weigh 120lbs and all of a sudden i go to240lbs

i don't think my girl would like that

vise versa
In my opinion, I think physically beauty is so over rated and people now a days are simply forgetting the real beauty. Beauty is what comes from the inside by your friendliness and your actions towards others. Society has focused so much on physical beauty so much that we are destroying the mind of our young adults. Society puts the definition as beautiful as skinny, tan, blond, and tall which is leading to emotional problems, depression, eating disorders, and even death to the young adults striving to be ';beautiful';. Be yourself and let your beauty show from the inside. Imitation is suicide I say.
most of american takes it seriously.
Heck no. Beauty is within.
i think you should take it seriously enough to like have like good hygiene, and to take care of yourself (your health). But as to obsessing about it, i think that beauty is from within. And you should try to be the best person you can be, instead of the best looking person you can be.
you have it or you dont.

it shouldnt be the only thing you have.

personality is just if not more important. one sees that.
NO NO! take care of our health serious but dont go crazy with superfluous beauty.. looks are not everything!
i think beauty comes from the inside not the out side so who cares.
maybe not but we should look good to and most of all we should also have a good attitude

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