Monday, July 26, 2010

What is the name of the God of Love and the God of beauty?

Like Aphrodite is the Goddess of Beauty and Venus is the Goddess of love??

What about the Gods...?

[[[[[[serious and factual answers only please]]]]]]]What is the name of the God of Love and the God of beauty?
Aphrodite.What is the name of the God of Love and the God of beauty?
Eros in Greek mythology

Cupid in Roman mythology

Kamadeva (कामदेव) in Hindu

กามเทพ in Thai
The god of love is Eros (Cupido for Romans), and the god of Beauty is Apollo.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. There is no other God.
The Greek Goddess of Love, Lust and Beauty was Aphrodite

The Greek God of Love, Lust and Intercourse was Eros

The Roman Goddess of Love, Lust and Fertility was Venus

The Roman God of Erotic Love and Beauty was Cupid

For a complete list of other Love deities from other cultures visit…
The god of love in greek mythology is Eros. I think he's the son of Aphrodite. In Roman mythology, he's called Cupid. I think Freyr is the god of love/beauty in Norse Mythology. I don't know the god of love/beauty in Egyptian mythology, but thegoddess is Hathor. In Hindu Mythology, Kartik is often portrayed as the god of love.
Baldr beauty not love

Frejya, though she is more sex then love.

Sif is known for her beauty as well but is usually linked to crops.

*sigh Feyr is not love and beauty to the Norse. He is of the Vanir and linked to fertility and the earth. Not beauty

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